Arctic Monkeys – Tranquillity Base Hotel & Casino | Album Review
Here’s a quick review detailing thoughts on the latest Arctic Monkeys album, Tranquillity Base Hotel & Casino. The band move in a new direction with their divisive sixth studio album we hear the bombastic fast-paced guitars replaced with mostly piano-driven Lounge Pop. Akin to when Bob Dylan went electric and when Miles Davis took his Jazz to new dimensions could this album be appreciated better in time, or is it just a load of souless shite?
Well luckily for you I have recorded a video breaking down the album and asking the critical questions about the band’s new direction.
Admittedly, I was never super into the old Arctic Monkeys but I have enjoyed the singles I heard, “When the Sun Goes Down” is still a massive banger. I am always interested when a group moves their sound in a new direction and how old fans react. It’s impossible to expect this very successful band, living in America to be able to go back to making songs about getting in fights on the streets of Sheffield. Change is scary I suppose, but this new project isn’t as bad as everyone is saying.
Anyway, enough rambling, check out the Culture Hash video review below:
While you’re here check out our Instagram page and Lil Yachty video review.